Simple straight stitches

Simple straight stitches

I am not a natural hand stitcher, I am more comfortable with a sewing machine.

As I prepared to attend a workshop by Jeanette Appleton on stitching and texture in felt I have been reflecting back at where I think my hand stitching has really worked and I feel happy with it.  I think I was initially put off stitching by hand by the idea that it had to be complex embroidery.  In fact sometimes the simpler the stitching the better.

IMG_1692Random straight stitches adding more texture to some felted silk.










Using straight stitches to connect elements of a piece together, and to show the contrast between the felt and the felted silk.



A bit of glitter.  Gold stitching drawing patterns across a piece.


Using again just straight stitching combining different colours with running straight stitches in different directions.

IMG_1699Following the curve but only using straight stitches. !



This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Stitching on felt is always FUN !

    (you would have loved the VILTEXPO ! bought some
    hand dyed silk to embroider ….. πŸ˜‰ )

  2. Very interesting topics

    1. Thank you. It’s quite a long time ago but I am still stitching in the same way πŸ˜€

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