Taking my time 

I am coming to realize that it can take me a very long time to finished a felted piece.  In July 2015  I made a piece based on some photographs I had taken in 2014.  The inspiration was wet lichen covered rocks.     Then I looked at this felted piece and thought what on earth will I do with this now ! For those of you who read this blog , might remember I eventually cut it up.  A radical move , but I still could not finish it ! I loved the dark brown Masham surround and wanted to find away to bring it all together.     So I took it to a master class with  Artybird and asked ," what shall I do now". Various suggestions were made mostly involving bringing it together as a piece.  I thought about this , alongside the original inspiration  for the piece and suddenly…

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A Radical Decision

Back  in June at  a workshop with Jeanette Appleton I made a reasonably large piece of felt inspired by lichen covered rocks.  Ever since then I have looked at this piece , thinking what an earth should I do now with you ????   I eventually decided that something about it did not really work and maybe I should just use parts of it!  Eventually I made a mask out of brown paper thinking maybe make it into a three part piece.  I liked the effect even though it was not choosing my favorite parts with this simple mask.     So I thought how about choose three parts , and make them into a large felt piece.   The more I thought about this the more I liked it . So a made the radical decision to cut my favorite parts out of this large felt piece and reconstruct it. I faffed around…


Masham Merino Mixes

I am trying slowly to use more and more British or at least European fibre in my felt and dyeing work.  In pursuit of this aim , I bought some Masham fibre from Adelaide Walker at Woolfest. Creamy white and beautiful brown. Although I have this aim I do have  a large stash of coloured merino.   I decided to try working with the coloured merino and the natural Masham together.  I did not physically mix them , but have used them together to make a number of pieces.  The Masham is slightly more coarse than the merino , but they blend together beautifully and I love the mix of natural colors in the Masham with the bright colours of the merino. Here are my finished mixed pieces.   and here is a  small one, actually made with left overs before stitching. This post has been reissued due to problems with the…

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